Processing Quail for Meat

About This Class

Though much smaller than chicken, quail meat is a delicious alternative that you can raise in your own backyard. Depending on the variety (standard vs. jumbo), quails can weigh between 5-16 ounces.

In this class you will learn how to:

- Prepare your processing area

- Choose the right tools for the job

- Properly sanitize your tools and area

- Humanely and swiftly dispatch your quail

- Process your quail for a variety of cooking styles

- Uses for unused parts

What you'll see:

You'll take a tour and learn about the different size variations of quails. You'll also learn how to determine if your quail is a male (rooster) or female (hen) so you can better manage your flock by removing excess roosters.

What you'll get:

Each participant will receive one live quail (included in the price of the class) to dispatch and process at the farm under the guidance of the instructor. If you would like more practice, extra quail can be purchased at checkout. Participants will also receive a visual guide on quail processing and a list of resources.

Do I get to take my processed quail home?

Yes! Any quails you process will go home with you. We will have ice and disposable bags available, but please bring a cooler for added temperature control.

Can kids attend:

Due to the nature of the class, it is geared toward adults and older children. We ask that no children under the age of 10 attend the class. Please use your best judgement when allowing your child to attend. Children must have a ticket to attend and be accompanied by an adult with a ticket.


To encourage carpooling, you can add up to two other people onto your registration for $50 each.

If you would like to process more than one quail, you may add up to two extra birds per participant for $10 each. Extra quail may be purchased at checkout, or on-site if available (there is no guarantee there will be extra birds available on the day of the class, so please purchase ahead of time).

If you are interested in purchasing eggs for eating, hatching eggs, or live birds on the day of the class, please let us know in advance so we can let you know what is available..